Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Counting things

Lately I find myself counting a lot.

I'm counting calories. You see, I'd like to lose about 15 pounds before most of you see me again. Bum knees have kept me less active than I'd like to be this summer and my waistline is paying for that. Knees'll be fixed soon, but I'm watching my diet for now. And not just watching it disappear from my plate and end up as a spare tire.

I'm counting pennies. Of course, you probably are too. Because of the aforementioned knees and the getting them fixed, I'll be missing some work next month. But even if I weren't trying to save up for those recovery days coming up, I'd need to be cutting back. The list of things to save for is long. And expensive.

The thing is, while I was watch my waistline grow and my bank account shrink, I sometimes forget that I count. You know, not just as a number or a name on a list someplace. But as a bona fide, honest-to-goodness heart and soul. A viable contributor to my planet, my city, my friends and my family.

And you do too.

So next time you feel like counting...
the things you do for other people that go
underappreciated or unnoticed
the things about your life or yourself you wish were
the times you've been disappointed, disillusioned or

try counting...
the things you do and give to make things better for
someone else
the things about your life and yourself that are pretty
darn cool
the reasons you belong here with the rest of us, making
a difference in the world right where you are.

Go ahead.